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The Best Way to Get Clearer Skin

They say misfortune often happens for the greater good.

Since I changed my diet due to food intolerance, my acne has been cleared for almost two months.

Discovery of a lifetime: Your skin is what you eat. Simple.

Two months ago, I would drink one Coca-Cola at lunchtime, drink 1-2 cups of tea with milk and white sugar, my breakfast and lunch were way too fat.

And I really didn’t mind because I was gaining weight that was transformed into muscles at the gym later (by the way I am obsessed with my new body shape…). Anyway. I believe I would have continued if my stomach didn’t rebel.

If you have ever had food intolerance in the form of intense abdominal pain, you are lucky. I would not wish that to anyone. It’s unbearable.

As part of the solution, I remove sodas, coffee, tea, milk, cheese from my diet. Also, meat unless tender meat is banned.

At first, I was upset. For I feared of losing the muscles I worked so hard to get. Nevertheless, I was left with no choice to cooperate with the “new enemy”.

As of now, I didn’t lose weight, and even gained some muscles, my abs are flat AND my skin is clear.

I researched online to find out the most common causes of acne being food intolerance and hormone imbalances.

Indeed, there are several researches [1] [2] linking the gut (microbiome) and skin problems such as acne.

The findings are unanimous: diary and sugar cause gut and hormone imbalances.

Saying it shortly: if you eat a lot of sugar (white or brown), foods containing sugar (biscuits), with high glycemic index (pasta) or likely to quickly turn into sugar (bananas), they’re going to cause an increase in the insulin hormone. This increase, in return, triggers excess production of sebum, the oils in our skin, plus it increases androgen activity.

Therefore, to clear your skin: cut sugar and reduce diary from your diet, and eat more low-glycemic index foods.

Here are some diet tips on how to achieve a clearer skin:

To crush my sugar cravings and detox:

  1. I replace white and brown sugar with honey, and

  2. I drink at least 1.5 liter of water a day;

  3. I take a supplement called 5-HTP, known to reduce sugar cravings.

For dairy:

  1. I completely removed cheese and milk from my diet; and

  2. I stick to boiled eggs; I still have a yogurt once in a while if I am hungry but it won't be my go-to.

My top 3 for foods with low glycemic index are:

  1. Vegetables: spinach, green beans, cauliflower, sorrel are my favorite;

  2. Fruits: any sort. But I have to confess...I still eat a lot of bananas;

  3. Plantain, potatoes and manioc to replace pasta and rice.

In addition to my diet, I used a combination of skincare products and gadgets, and GREAT discipline. I explained in detail in another article my favorite products and tools to get a clearer and smoother skin.

If you like this article or would like to add more inputs, do not hesitate to drop me a line 😉

Disclaimer: Talk to your physician before taking any supplement since some may have some side effects depending on people.

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